
Welcome to the 15th Annual University of Mary Washington Research and Creativity Day Virtual Symposium Spring 2021!

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges to the world over the past year. At Mary Washington, students and faculty have had to find new and creative ways to approach teaching and learning. Research and creative work with faculty has always been an important part of UMW, and the 2020-2021 year was no exception.

Students and faculty have been working together throughout this past year on their research and creative projects, and we want to take the time to share them and celebrate them in the 15th Research and Creativity Symposium the last two days of classes this academic year, April 29-30, 2021.

We invite everyone—students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and other university friends—to browse the presentations published on this website to see student projects and performances from across the university, organized on the menu above by college, department, student name, and category of presentation. We hope you will not only take a look, but also take the time to comment directly to the various projects by our students with your questions and words of encouragement to recognize and celebrate their hard work and achievements!

To comment, just click on the project title following one of the menus above, and fill out the required information. Comments will be open until midnight, May 6th, 2021.

Congratulations and thank you to all our student presenters and their faculty mentors for their accomplishments, and to all of us for making it through this busy and unusual year!

A special thanks to Jerry Slezak, Shannon Houser, and Cartland Berge from UMW Digital Learning Support; Adrienne Brovero of the UMW Speaking Center; Angie Kemp of UMW Simpson Library; and AJ Newell, Design Services Director (University Relations) for their support of this Virtual Symposium.

This site was created by Dr. Elizabeth Franklin Lewis, Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Cameron Ashley, Student Assistant, College of Arts and Sciences.
