El eterno femenino

by Liz Echeverría

Faculty mentor: Professor Elizabeth Lewis

The play “El eterno femenino” by Rosario Castellanos pórtate the live of a women who struggle to finding who she is a a woman. Throughout the play, she encounters many people and events that shape the way she sees her life as a women. In the poster, I drew a women with a child because it is watch women are most related to, their children. On the left side of the poster, there are words and phrases that reveal how society expected women to be. However, on the right side, there are words and phrases of what women wanted to be and what they actually felt. Overall, the message I am trying to portray is that in “El eterno femenino” we can truly see the difference between what women have to go through compared to what they truly want.


Studio Art Senior Art Show

Student presenters: Elizabeth Anderson, Victor Ascensao, Leland Burke, Gabrielle Campbell, Andy Chen, Cassidy Clark, Jessica Clark, Sam Estacion, Gwen Fiorillo, Riley M. Gildea, Michelle Greenway, Patricia Keitz, Sarah J. Kowalewski, Alison Martin, Emma McElwain, Christie Morris, Stephanie Overbeck, Bale Rose, Dee Shirley, Kaitlyn Tiffany, Chloe Wade, Rebecca Webb, Ally Wylde-Gladbach

Each year, the graduating studio art majors produce a group exhibition to culminate their time at UMW. The show will be on display in duPont Gallery from April 26 until May 9.

The exhibition is available in an online format as well in person

Visit www.umwgalleries.org to see it and to sign up for a time to visit the gallery in person.

Problematic Approaches in Communication Towards People with Disabilities

By Samantha Price

Faculty Mentor: Professor Emily Crosby

Through this video essay, I am hoping to draw attention to the problematic approaches in communication towards people with disabilities, but specifically invisible disabilities. In this video essay, I talk about the harmful effects of using war metaphors when talking about chronic illnesses, why inspiration porn is problematic, and how COVID-19 has impacted the rhetoric when talking about disabilities and chronic illnesses. We should all be working towards creating an environment that doesn’t negatively impact or burden those suffering with chronic illnesses or disabilities and I hope this video essay is just the start of the research you do to better support your chronically ill and disabled loved ones.


Zu viel Zukunft!

by Grace Brecht

Faculty mentor: Professor Marcel Rotter

Punk rock developed in the 1970s and local scenes developed throughout Europe and the United States. East Germany was no exception. Despite — and because of — the brutal state-sponsored violence against and repression of anyone who did not conform to the government’s ideals, punk flourished in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Although the initial exposure to punk came via English punk bands on West German radio, the Eastern punks had little interest in the West and were largely anti-capitalist. Instead, they focused their attention on their own country and on the vast social reform needed there. The punks channeled their frustrations into social activism and fought against rampant corruption, government censorship and restrictions, and the resurgence of fascism, all while using punk music as an outlet for their rage and a vessel for their message. By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the punks had shifted the narrative. Progressive political causes were more visible as a result of their activism and confrontational attitudes, and that energy followed the reunited country into the next decade and beyond. The spirit of the original East German punk scene lives on today in the politics and creative culture of Germany, especially in Berlin, and the face of the country has been forever changed because some teenagers decided in 1977 that they were ready to shape their own futures.
